A schedule in a contract definition is a document or attachment that outlines specific details related to the contract. A schedule can be included in various types of contracts, from employment agreements to construction contracts, and is used to provide additional information that may not be fully covered in the main body of the contract.

In essence, a schedule is an annex or attachment to the contract that outlines specific details, such as:

1. Deliverables: A schedule can be used to specify the deliverables that are expected from both parties in the contract. For instance, in a construction contract, the schedule may outline the expected timeline for the completion of each phase of the construction project.

2. Payment terms: A schedule can also be used to outline the payment terms agreed upon by both parties. This can include the amount of payment, the payment schedule, and the method of payment.

3. Deadlines: A schedule can be used to establish specific deadlines for the completion of work, such as when materials must be delivered or when a project must be completed.

4. Scope of work: A schedule can also outline the scope of work of the project. This may include the specific tasks required to complete the project, as well as any limitations or exclusions.

5. Addendums: A schedule can also be used to attach addendums or amendments to the contract. This can be helpful in situations where changes to the original contract are necessary.

In most cases, a schedule is considered a legally binding part of the contract, and any terms or obligations outlined in the schedule must be honored by both parties. It`s essential to ensure that a schedule is carefully reviewed and understood by all parties before signing a contract.

In summary, a schedule in a contract definition is a document that outlines specific details related to the contract. It can be used to specify deliverables, payment terms, deadlines, scope of work, and addendums. It is an essential part of any comprehensive contract and should be reviewed carefully before signing.