If you are a Canadian citizen who has worked or plans to work abroad, it`s important to know whether the country you are moving to has a social security agreement with Canada. These agreements, also known as Totalization Agreements, ensure that individuals who work in both countries can receive social security benefits without having to pay double the taxes.

As of 2021, Canada has social security agreements with the following countries:

1. Austria

2. Belgium

3. Chile

4. Croatia

5. Czech Republic

6. Denmark

7. Finland

8. France

9. Germany

10. Greece

11. Iceland

12. Ireland

13. Italy

14. Japan

15. Luxembourg

16. Norway

17. Poland

18. Portugal

19. Republic of Korea

20. Slovakia

21. Slovenia

22. Spain

23. Sweden

24. Switzerland

25. The Netherlands

26. United Kingdom

27. United States

These agreements apply to individuals who are either temporarily or permanently employed in one of the countries. If you are a Canadian citizen working in one of these countries or a citizen of one of these countries working in Canada, you may be eligible to receive social security benefits depending on your situation.

It`s important to note that each agreement is different and may have specific requirements. For example, some agreements may only cover certain types of social security benefits, while others may require you to have worked in both countries for a certain period of time. It is recommended that you consult with a professional or the government agency responsible for administering social security benefits in the country you are working in to determine your eligibility.

In conclusion, if you plan to work abroad or are currently working abroad, it`s important to know whether your country of residence has a social security agreement with Canada. These agreements can provide you with peace of mind, ensuring that you can receive social security benefits without having to pay double taxes. Be sure to check the specific requirements of each agreement to determine your eligibility.